Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Night Mission Night

Saturday Night Mission Night

Group Mission!

Sit around and everyone take out their blackberrys. Everyone open up brick breaker and begin playing.

Brick Breaker Drinking Game:

-Beat a level: Social
-Lose a life: Drink
-Gain a life: Pick someone to drink
-Multi: Pick 2 ppl to drink.
-Long: Next time you drink has to be a long sip.
-Flip: Do not have to drink next time you are supposed to.
-Slow, Catch: A category is picked before playing the game. You must say a part of this category. I.E. Category is ANIMALS. You get slow or catch, you say "dolphin."
-Bomb: Waterfalls!
-Receive a call during play: Everyone pauses and drinks for the length of the call.


Song of the Day: "Right Hand Hi" -Kid Sister
Quote of the Day: "Shut up, Leonard. Nobody even knows what you're talking about!" -Jeff, in Community, to Leonard when Leonard blames him for eating all the macaroni

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger: Nico

briaries: I wish my life had a laugh track.

Nico: Then you wouldn't be the only one laughing at your jokes.

Oh bother.

Some people believe everything they read on the internet.
Elephants are part of the bear family.
"What!?" "Are you serious!?"
No, Chris, the internet is not telling the truth. Elephants are not bears.

Song of the Day: "Blah Blah Blah" by Ke$ha
Quote of the Day: "That's why girls don't play the game, coach." -Shane Falco, Keanu Reeves' character in The Replacements

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Night Mission Night

Saturday Night Mission Night

Tonight's mission will have 4 tasks.

1. Come up with a personal motto or slogan for yourself. Use it throughout the course of your night. For example, my personal slogan chosen for tonight is "Be the bee, create some buzz." See the buzz refers to possibly stirring up some craziness among your peers or it could refer to drinking a little bit. Either way, there is room for interpretation and it is a pretty punny slogan.
2. Swig. Swig. Swig. Swig. Swig. Find a bottle and swig. I am not talking about shots hear people, swig-a-liggidy-swig. (A possible motto?) Note: If unable to do so this task because you are in a bar, I will include an alternative task. The alternative task is to take a sip of a drink and gargle it right at the bar in which you ordered it.
3. Tell someone that they look really good tonight. Then go into detail. See how long you can go before you sound completely ridiculous. 1 point for every compliment, try to hit at least 10.
4. Tip your waitress. It can be anything from "Speak more clearly when you tell us the specials" to "Keep a couple extra straws in your apron, just in case."

Happy tasking!!

Song of the Day: "In My Head" by Jason Derulo
Quote of the Day: "What? What book? They all have chapters!" -Cole, in Scrubs

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Social Experiment

I have been documenting my Social Experiment every Thursday. Tonight, there will be no Social Experiment posting.

There have been five and a half parts to my Social Experiment including: how to get people to do stuff for you, how to get someone to believe anything, how to earn respect from your peers, how to catch someone in a lie, how to get out of doing stuff, and how to fake an injury. These are all very good lessons that can help in all social situations. At this point of my social experiment I have reached a cross road. In revealing my social experiment to the world I have deeply hindered my ability to conduct such experiments. As mentioned previously, this is part of an advanced part of my social experiment. So for now, the social experiment needs some time for observation and will not be exposed until enough research has been done. My Social Experiment posts will return within a month. Thank you for your cooperation.

Some quick jokes that I am still working on, but have decided to share anyway:

-My problem with ice cream is I do not enjoy food with a time limit.
-It's easy to make fun of blind people. They don't see it coming.
-Apple is coming out with a new product to help cheerleaders. It's called Itherooftherooftheroofisonfire.
-Last night we were thinking of songs about cars. I decided to turn songs not about cars into songs about cars. I came up with New Torque, New Torque by Frank Sinatra, Engine Flow by Pearl Jam, Iron Van by Black Sabbath, Sex Is On Tire by Kings of Leon, and my personal favorite Oops, I Shifted Again by Britney Spears.

Quote of the Day: "Is there another type of idiocy that you would be comfortable with?" -Shawn Spencer, when told "This type of idiocy will not be tolerated on this base!"
Song of the Day:"According To You" by Orianthi

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

That's Crazy

Crazy, but True:

1. Human's are the only animals that use the internet.
2. 8 out of every 10 people is 80%.
3. Dr. Pepper is not a cola.
4. Dr Pepper is not a real doctor, but Dr. Pepper is an actual doctor.
5. If a chocolate chip cookie has more than 20 chocolate chips in it, then legally it must be called a chocolate cookie with chips.
6. People with big mouths are sometimes called orators. Animals with big mouths are sometimes called alligators.
7. After cutting down a tree there is a lot of paper work to be done. They need to log all of the details.
8. If there was no such thing as wine coolers than pedophiles wouldn't exist.
9. The trick to eating Gummy Bears is to chew.
10. She can't possibly be your cherry pie.

It's crazy, I know.

Song of the Day: "In My Head" by Jason DeRulo
Quote of the Day: "I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends - apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends' mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don't vote, do they?" -President Bartlet, to Toby, in the hit show The West Wing, and how topical that quote is when you think of the fact that one of the biggest hit shows right now is The Jersey Shore

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Undercover Boss

So it has been brought to my attention that the reality show "Undercover Boss" is airing after the Super Bowl. Previously shows such as Alias, Chuck, and The Office have had this most coveted spot. Since I have no previous knowledge of what this show is about I have decided to come up with some ideas and see if any of these are correct. I have done this previously with the reality shows "Survivor," "Deal or No Deal," and "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grade." I have yet to be correct with any of them.

What "Undercover Boss" Is Possibly About:

-12 contestants are hired to go undercover as Tony Danza and try to reignite their careers.
- 8 people are hired to work in a large office in which one of their peers is actually their boss. Each week someone is fired so they all need to suck up to everyone in order to not get fired because they do not know who their boss is.
-5 CEO's from recently bankrupt companies put their bonuses on the line in this thriller. They all go undercover into the world underground drug trafficking. Whoever survives/busts the most drug dealers is rewarded all of the money.
-Bosses in different companies take over bottom of the totem pole jobs to see how the lowly people are treated.
-Contestants interview a group of 5 workers and need to guess which one is the boss. If they get it right they move onto the next round.
-Pretty much the same show as the one with the mole, only instead of a mole one is the boss. The boss is the mole.
-A boss and an employee go undercover together. The boss goes undercover and the employee is the handler. They get involved in such organizations such as the Mob, Russian Crime Syndicates, Arby's, Ponzi Schemes, and the CIA.

Well that's all for now.

Song of the Day: "American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Quote of the Day: "I need a Dr. Pepper." -me, on needing a DP stat

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Weekly TV Review

My Weekly TV Review:

1. The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien: SPECIAL- Normally this show deserves a spot on this list every week, but since it is on every night I have excluded it from the running. Conan's last night was this past Friday and the Cone Bone's final two weeks were awesome. So it begs the question, how will I live without CoCo taking up all the space on my DVR?
2. The Office: If I told you that I would show you a bunch of hilarious scenes from one of the funniest shows on television, is that something you might be interested in?
3. Community: Are dance scenes ever not funny?
4. Scrubs: Is this show getting funnier because the characters are growing on me or is it just classic Scrubs?
5. 24: Why doesn't anyone ever listen to Jack Bauer, if history has shown us anything isn't it that Jack Bauer is always right when it comes to securing a terrorist threat?

Honorable Mention: White Collar, Chuck, 30 Rock, Modern Family
NOTE: Awesome week of TV coming up, get your DVR's geared up.

Song of the Day: "Solsbury Hills" by Peter Gabriel
Quote of the Day: "It's on fire, it's on fire." -Justin Timberlake, about his Ping-Pong paddle after scoring a point on Peyton Manning in a Sony commercial