Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Night Mission Night

I am sorry for my lazy week in posting. Busy, Busy. Busy. I assure all my readers that I am back in action. So here is the latest Saturday Night Mission Night.

Tonight's mission will have 4 tasks.

1. Order a beer at a bar and ask for a pineapple wedge. You can combine the manliness of a beer and still get a fruity drink in the process. Extra points if done with a Guiness (the manliness of all beers).
2. Make fun of Avatar in IMAX 3D somehow. Some possible examples: "Avatar sucks, especially in IMAX 3D." "Avatar in IMAX 3D? More like Avatar in IWHACK 3D." "I wish I was going to see Avatar in IMAX 3D. Wait. No that's not true. Avatar in IMAX 3D is boring." "Avatar is rated PG-13. Avatar in IMAX 3D is overrated." "I looked a picture of a tree for 3 hours. It wasn't as boring as Avatar in IMAX 3D." "If I was a movie and I was Avatar in IMAX 3D I would wrap myself up in bits of dead zebra and attack the lion at the circus so that when I get eaten to death and killed at least I would be entertaining people for once."
3. Munchies! Treat yourself late night to some treats. Cookies, chips, name it. Maybe go to the Diner at 3 a.m. and get some French Toast.
4. This next task requires 4 quarters. Ask a stranger for a quarter. If they give it to you, give them 4 quarters in return, just for being nice and giving you a quarter. Reward the good deed. If they say no then take out the 4 quarters you have and say well you here you go and throw them on the ground and stomp off.

Happy tasking!

Song of the Day: "We Still the Old Way" The Lost Prophets
Quote of the Day: "Floor collapses during Swedish weight watchers meeting" -NY Post headline, 01/15/10
SPECIAL! Video of the Day:
I saw this performance on The Tonight Show, check it out:

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