Thursday, January 21, 2010

Social Experiment: Part Five

Here is the latest of my ongoing social experiment.

"Social Experiment: Part Five"

-How to get out of doing stuff:
Ever been asked to do something, but you really do not want to? Well follow these steps and you should be able to get out of just about anything.
1. Fake Injury. Depending on what is asked, make up an injury that specifically would hinder your ability to perform the requested task. It is almost too easy. This brings me to another part of my social experiment.

"Social Experiment: Part Five Point Five"

-How to fake an injury:
Need to fake an injury for any amount of reasons? This should help.
1. Moan and Complain. It as easy as it sounds. If you make any sort of grunt or moaning sound people will think something is wrong. Then complain about it. The more you complain the more people will have no choice but to notice that you are indeed in pain and injured.
2. Props. Any prop will do. Anything from casts to crutches to wheel chairs to splints. You can even make some on your own. Carry around a medicine vile with some Tic Tacs or Pez or M&Ms in it and people will think it is your medication for your serious injury. Hospital bracelets are always encouraged.
3. Fun Facts. Come up with some fun facts about your injury. They can be made up or researched on Wikipedia or WedMD. (Note: I recommend making up fun facts only to experts who are well versed in all aspects of my Social Experiment.) In displaying extensive knowledge on the subject of your injury you will show that you care and that the injury really has affected you. Nobody really knows about something unless it affects them personally in some way. WebMD blends an award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible. They offer credible and in-depth medical news and reference material in their mission to bring you objective, trustworthy, and timely health information.

So in short, if you want to get out of doing something, fake an injury. If you follow the above steps closely this should be an easy task. Good Luck!

Quote of the Day: "The seats are so close it's like your watching an HD television." -Jack, Alec Baldwin's character in 30 Rock
Song of the Day: "Bed Of Roses" by Bon Jovi

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