Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Night Mission Night

Saturday Night Mission Night

Tonight's mission will have 4 tasks.

1. Come up with a personal motto or slogan for yourself. Use it throughout the course of your night. For example, my personal slogan chosen for tonight is "Be the bee, create some buzz." See the buzz refers to possibly stirring up some craziness among your peers or it could refer to drinking a little bit. Either way, there is room for interpretation and it is a pretty punny slogan.
2. Swig. Swig. Swig. Swig. Swig. Find a bottle and swig. I am not talking about shots hear people, swig-a-liggidy-swig. (A possible motto?) Note: If unable to do so this task because you are in a bar, I will include an alternative task. The alternative task is to take a sip of a drink and gargle it right at the bar in which you ordered it.
3. Tell someone that they look really good tonight. Then go into detail. See how long you can go before you sound completely ridiculous. 1 point for every compliment, try to hit at least 10.
4. Tip your waitress. It can be anything from "Speak more clearly when you tell us the specials" to "Keep a couple extra straws in your apron, just in case."

Happy tasking!!

Song of the Day: "In My Head" by Jason Derulo
Quote of the Day: "What? What book? They all have chapters!" -Cole, in Scrubs

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