Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Alphabet Soup

I wrote poems (ugh) last Tuesday as my most unfavorite post thus far, which is going to happen. Decided to continue the Tuesday theme of creative writing, however.

Alphabet Soup

In this peice, possibly reocurring, I will pick a topic and go through it alphabetically. Enjoy!

Topic: MTV's Jersey Shore

A nnoyingly stupid
B ring It On: In It to Win It stupid
C elebrity gossip stupid
D ish network stupid
E vil Villain stupid
F ucking stupid
G eorge W. Bush stupid
H ammer-to-the-thumb stupid
I diots guide to stupid
J urassic Park's idea to recreate the tyranasaurus rex stupid
K imber from Nip/Tuck stupid
L ady GaGa's outfits stupid
M iles and miles and miles of stupid
N ever not stupid
O wning a blackberry stupid
P laxico Burress stupid
Q uickly becoming more and more stupid
R ichard Heene Stupid
S --ahh can't think of one for this letter.
T oupee stupid
U nfortunatley popular stupid
V oldemort thinking he can kill Harry stupid
W ile E. Coyote stupid
X -factor contestants stupid
Y odeling on a glacier stupid
Z o ztupid I forgot to laugh stupid

Song of the Day: "Electric Feel" by MGMT
Quote of the Day: "I'm sounding worse than Jessica Simpson right now. She's looking like a rock scientist." -Tara Reid (old quote, but fits with whole stupid thing)

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