Saturday, December 19, 2009

Your mission, if you choose to accept it

Saturday Night Game Night!

Mission Night:

Tonight there will be five tasks to be completed for your mission.
1. Nod your head like yea. I'm not kidding. You will listen somehow, someway to the song "Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus and you will nod your like yea, moving your hips like yea.
2. Pray Drew Brees has an unsuccessful evening, but the Saints still win. It is important for the Cowboys to lose, but as I am against Drew Brees in fantasy playoffs this week you must say a little prayer for me and root hardcore that the saints defense and rushing game and special teams. (I will take Cowboys losing over Drew Brees blowing up, but still praying for the best of both worlds (Miley shout out))
3. Drink a Heineken or Heineken Light. It's just a good beer.
4. Ask a complete stranger if they have ever heard of the movie Hook. No matter their response say, "I thought so."
5. When leaving your friends for the evening, Vulcan Salute followed by the classic "Live long and prosper." Make sure to have a dead serious face.

Good Luck!

Song of the Day: "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie
Quote of the Day: "We're in the Nazi killing business. And business is a boomin." -Aldo "the Apache" Raine, in the movie Inglorious Basterds

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