Friday, December 11, 2009

Ok, jokes or Ok jokes

Jokes! (literally starting to type and hoping something comes to me)

I ran into a friend of mine the other day that I hadn't seen in a while. That's why I ran into him, I didn't see him. 

A guy pulled over while I was walking my dog and asked for directions. I told him to "get lost." He was.

Is it possible to eat a whole bagel? What about a bagel hole?

Vampires are so in right now that I am out of jokes about them.

Nevermind. Vampire jokes are easy. What is pale, old, and sleeps during the day?
Old people!
Would a blind, nocturnal vampire be able to see its reflection in the daytime?

Tiger Woods needs to find new sponsers since his recent scandal is sure to bring about problems with nike and gatorade among others. Rumors have it Cialis is after him to come out with a new brand of male enhancement pills called Tigers Wood. 

If you purposely drive your car into another car, is it still called an accident?

Ok, I got some others in the works, but they were not coming out as I hoped so I will save them.

Song of the Day: "(If you're wondering if I want you to) I want you to" by Weezer 
Quote of the Day: "Oh Michael, it must be obvious how wrong this is." -Toby, from the Office, to Michael Scott on him dressing up as Jesus 

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