Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Look Back: 2009

As New Year's approaches I decided to take a look back on the year 2009.

- I became a college graduate.
- I drank over 2,500 beers.
- I watched over 730 episodes of Scrubs.
Ate over 460 slices of pizza.
- Sent over 10,000 text messages.
- Added over 100 numbers into my phone.
- Told over 940 jokes.
- Made people laugh over 3,000 times.
- Made myself laugh over 30, 000 times.
- Listened to over 5, 450 songs.
- Went to the bathroom over 1,825 times.
- Read 3 books.
- Spent over 3,000 hours sleeping (over 125 days (about 1/3 of the year)).
- Drove over 12,000 miles.
- Posted on a blog 53 (about to be 54) times.
- Watched the Yankees win the World Series once.
- Won 2 rugby tournaments.
- Gave over 3,000 high fives.
- Won Monopoly over 9 times.
- Won Spades over 100 times.
- Won over 150 games of beer pong.
- Was hungover over 300 times.

Awesome year.

In a few days, it will turn 2010. I will attempt (and hopefully succeed) to document everything I do, everyday. Then next year I will have the actual numbers opposed to estimates.

Song of the Day: "See You Again" by Miley Cyrus
Quote of the Day: "I can't see you again." -Miley Cyrus, in her hit song "See You Again"

1 comment:

  1. Fact Check
    1,829 times and you forgot the novelization of Hannah Montana: The Movie, so 4 books.
