Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Alphabet Soup

Another round of Alphabet Soup (Tuesday make-up)

I will choose a topic and then go through it alphabetically.

Topic: Avatar

A Walk To Remember boring
B ook club meeting boring
C aring for old people boring
D VRing Opera boring
E nding the night alone boring
F ish Fillet from McDonalds boring
G oing to see Avatar boring
H aving nothing to do boring
I nteresting, but boring
J am sandwich with no peanut butter boring
K eeping up with episodes of The Ghost Whisper boring
L ove Actually boring
M urder, She Wrote boring
N ot able to pay attention in class because it is so boring boring
O ne shot at a bar boring
P ersian Rug shopping boring
Q uitting your job through e-mail boring
R unning on the treadmill boring
S miling for the camera boring
T rivia without alcohol involved boring
U mbrellas in the rain boring
V isually stunning yet still incredibly boring boring
W hy do people like IMAX and 3D boring
X -Men Origins: Wolverine boring
Y ielding for oncoming traffic boring
Z ebra's without lion's chasing them boring

Song of the Day: "Love Hurts" by Incubus
Quote of the Day: "Merry Christmas" -Santa Claus, after saying "Ho, Ho, Ho"

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