Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Social Experiment: Part Four"

Here is the latest in my ongoing Social Experiment.

"Social Experiment: Part Four"

Here is the continued documentation of my ongoing social experiment.

-How To Catch Someone In A Lie:
Ever think someone is lying to you, and you just are not sure how to call them out on it. Well here is your guide to doing just so.
1. Ask Questions. And ask a lot of them. The more questions you ask the more they have to lie. It is a good test, if they are telling the truth they will be able to answer questions easily. If it gets more and more ridiculous then you know they are just a liar. However, if they read Social Experiment: Part Two, then they will easily be able to maneuver away from this ploy.
2. The Liar Cough. Ever hear the phrase, "it's so crazy, it just might work?" Well, that is what I think about this one. If you think someone is telling a lie then just discreetly cough and say the word liar at the same time. They will hear you say liar, but you can argue it is a cough. They will now know that you know they are a liar and will probably cut the bullshit rather than to try and get out of it and argue. In their mind they will be saying to themselves, "I can't believe I just got liar coughed, I need to read Social Experiment: Part Two and learn how to get people to believe what I'm saying."
3. Reciprocate. Think someone is lying? Tell them an equal lie right back in the middle of their story. For example, if someone is telling you they drank 30 beers in a night, and you know that it cannot be true. Stop them and say, "I drank 30 beers last night, too, and I didn't even get drunk." In telling an equal lie, with a little twist, they will realize that they are not going to get anything by you and will probably tell you the truth rather than exagerate. This works especially good for the exaggerated lie, as it can bring your assailant back to earth. If you are not a good liar and are not sure how to reciprocate then check out Social Experiment: Part Two for more information.
4. Walk Away. This is not as subtle as the Liar Cough, but is still pretty effective. As you begin to realize a lie is being sent your way, simply say nothing and turn and walk away. Do not acknowledge anything your assailant says for at least 2 full minutes to ensure they are not going to try and convince of what they are saying is true. The walk away is the most effective way to not hear a lie, although it could ruin a conversation in a social situation. This method is for someone who has no interest in playing along and is recommended only for extenuating circumstances. WARNING: Do Not Abuse the use of the walk away. I cannot stress this enough, this move is for professionals only. If you have not read Social Experiment: Part Two or any of my other installments DO NOT ATTEMPT THE WALK AWAY. It could lead to a complete social breakdown and friends and loved ones could be lost.

That's all for now. Enjoy catching people in a lie and stop yourself from getting duped. If you do not want to be the dupee, you should be well on your way. If you'd like to be the duper, then check out Social Experiment: Part Two. You'll be duping dupees in no time.

Quote of the Day: "Remember when the new Star Wars movie came out? It was all built up, and when people finally saw it, it wasn't that great in bed?" JD, to Alex, his new girlfriend, on the TV show Scrubs, on them finally sleeping together
Song of the Day: "Mambo No. 5" by Lou Bega

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