Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday Night Mission Night

Saturday Night Game Night!

Another Mission Night for everyone, but first a quick note.

Note: Posts have been scattered and not completed to their full potential due to holidays and vacation. I will be back up to speed ASAP, I hope you continue to keep reading, even during the rough patches.

Mission Night:

Tonight's mission will contain 3 Tasks. I have gotten the tasks from a Heineken coaster I bartered from a friend.

1. Sometime tonight say, "this rounds on me."
2. Create your own happy hour. (to specify, pick an hour and drink solidly throughout with a big smile the entire time.)
3. While typing a text message to someone, say it out loud in front of someone who does not know anything about the particular text message. Do this three times. When asked who you are texting or what about, reply with "mind your own business, don't be rude."

The first two are from the coaster, you should drink a Heineken during the happy hour. The last one is something I did the other night. It was hilarious. Good Luck!!!

Song of the Day: "You Found Me" by The Fray (because I sang it like 10 times today on my new karaoke game)
Quote of the Day: "Look, all I'm saying is, there's more to healing than what's in the books. I talk to my patients, I sing to them...ask them what their hobbies are and tell them ghost stories about an old sea captain." -JD, in Scrubs, to Elliot about why he is a better doctor than her

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